
Emoji selector plugin for Rofi

Primary LanguageC

Rofi emoji plugin

An emoji selector plugin for Rofi that can either insert the emoji directly or copy it to the clipboard.


Run rofi like:

rofi -show emoji -modi emoji
Key Effect
Enter Insert emoji
Shift+Enter Copy emoji to clipboard

Note: If you change your keybinds for kb-accept or kb-accept-alt, then your changes will also apply here.


Screenshot showing a Rofi window searching for emojis containing "uni", the emoji for "Unicorn face" being selected



Dependency Version
rofi 1.4 (or git)

Arch Linux

rofi-emoji can be installed via AUR: rofi-emoji

Compile from source

rofi-emoji uses autotools as build system. Download the source and run the following to install it:

$ autoreconf -i
$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ ../configure --prefix=/usr/local # use same prefix as rofi
$ make
$ sudo make install

Rofi prefix

You should be able to find rofi's prefix using these commands:

# Simplest to understand; resolve "which rofi" to the real path (in case it is a symlink),
# then resolve its grandparent (/usr/local/bin/rofi -> /usr/local/bin -> /usr/local)
realpath -mL "$(realpath -L "$(which rofi)")/../.."

# This might work if you don't have realpath(1) installed. It uses dirname
twice instead of realpath -Lm to go up two steps.
dirname "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$(which rofi)")")"

# Still didn't work? That leaves you with your human intuition.
ls -l "$(which rofi)"

Emoji database

When installing the emoji database (emoji-test.txt file) is installed in $PREFIX/share/rofi-emoji. The plugin will search $XDG_DATA_DIRS for a directory where share/rofi-emoji.txt exists in. If the plugin cannot find the data, make sure $XDG_DATA_DIRS is set correctly.

If it is unset it should default to /usr/local/share:/usr/share, which works with the most common prefixes.

Updating to a newer version

The list was downloaded using

curl -o emoji-test.txt "https://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/11.0/emoji-test.txt"

Try downloading it again. Maybe bumping the version in the URL first.


This plugin is released under the MIT license.