
A sample iOS chat app backed up just Firebase Database

Primary LanguageSwift


A sample iOS serverless chat app that uses Firebase Database as the sole backend.


The app is written with VIP clean architecture in mind in order to keep a one-way app flow.

A Scene

View ->> Interacter: user initiates an action
Interacter ->> FIR: triggers change in Firebase Database
FIR ->> Interacter: updates status with observer
Interacter ->> Presenter: asks to present a new state
Presenter ->> View: asks the view to present the state


app architecture


Each scene follows the above app flow. Each scene is represeted with its corresponding View (ViewController), interacter and presenter. There are two scenes in this project sample.

  • Users
    • shows who's online
    • allows user to select a conversation partner
  • Conversations
    • allows chatting with the selected conversation parter
    • displays chat history


In order to run this sample project, you need to

  • setup your Firebase free account
  • create a Firebase app project
  • match the app bundle name of this sample project to your newly created Firebase app project

How to run

  • Run a pod installin the sample project folder
  • run FIRChat in Xcode