
The following is a collection of scripts for performing different actions on BlackBoard. BlackBoard is a learning platform used by Aarhus University. The class for interacting with blackboard is based on the following project: bbfetch


The dependencies for using this package is the following:

To install the requirements the following command can be used

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Using the BlackBoardSession class

The class BlackBoardSession takes to keyword arguments one for a username and one for a password. If they are not supplied it is going to ask for a username and password from the command line.

It automatically saves already know password in the file .bbpass file which is encrypted under some password chosen by the user the first time inputting a password. It is only saved when inputting through the terminal.

To request a page using an instance of this class the get function can be used.

Downloading pdfs

To download a batch from blackboard the file can be used as follows:


Just follow the instructions on screen an input the desired URL and file extension

It has the following commandline arguments

usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-l URL] [-e EXTENSION]

Download files from Blackboard

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                           show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --user USERNAME         username for blackboard
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD     password for blackboard
  -l URL, --url URL                    url for blackboard site with links
  -e EXTENSION, --extension EXTENSION  file extension of the given files
  -v, --version                        show program's version number and exit