
Manages MySQL users

Primary LanguagePython


AWS Lambda function to manage MySQL users


The Lambda accepts the following keys in the payload JSON:

  • mysql_user_username - (Required) MySQL username whose password will be updated
  • mysql_user_password_parameter_name - (Optional, conflicts with mysql_user_password_secret_name) Name of SSM parameter that is used to store MySQL user's password
  • mysql_user_password_secret_name - (Optional, conflicts with mysql_user_password_parameter_name) Name of Secrets Manager secret that is used to store MySQL user's password
  • privileges - (Optional) If present, current privileges will be revoked and then granted as specified here. Accepts a comma-separated list of valid MySQL privileges and optional table name after a colon. If a table name is specified for a privilege, it will be applied to the given table; otherwise to the whole database. Table name may only contain basic Latin letters, digits 0-9, dollar sign and an underscore. See examples below.

###Payload examples Grants ALL on all tables.

  "mysql_user_username": "foo",
  "mysql_user_password_secret_name": "bar",
  "privileges": "ALL"

Grants SELECT, CREATE, DROP on all tables:

  "mysql_user_username": "foo",
  "mysql_user_password_secret_name": "bar",
  "privileges": "SELECT, CREATE, DROP"

Grants SELECT on all tables, UPDATE on table1 and ALL on table2:

  "mysql_user_username": "foo",
  "mysql_user_password_secret_name": "bar",
  "privileges": "SELECT, UPDATE:table1, ALL:table2"

Grants SELECT on all tables, UPDATE and INSERT on table1 and ALL on table2:

  "mysql_user_username": "foo",
  "mysql_user_password_secret_name": "bar",
  "privileges": "SELECT, UPDATE:table1, INSERT:table1, ALL:table2"