
Baker helps you build tasty web applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Tasty web Apps with the Baker

Baker is an opinionated web application metaframework that helps you build great web applications. Baker is based on Grunt.js, Backbone.js and Marionette.

Baker is made and heavily used by people from The Bakery

A few things Baker does for you

  • keeps your javascript neat and sane with jshint
  • turns your SASS into CSS
  • gives you js modular goodness with require.js
  • tests your application with karma
  • manages third party dependencies with bower
  • automatically reloads your browser when your code changes
  • deploys your application straight to Amazon S3
  • manages development, staging and production settings

###Bootstrap your project

npm install -g grunt-cli bower 
  • Grab the latest baker release here

  • Install development dependencies for the Baker, do the following

npm install 
  • Provide your AWS credentials
touch aws.json

Your aws.json file should have the following content

	"stagingBucket": "NAME-OF-YOUR-STAGING-BUCKET",
  • Ask baker to get all third party libraries
grunt init

###Run the app (http://localhost:9001)


###Manage settings

app/scripts/settings contains a collection of settings modules used in your application

app/scripts/settings/base.js - common settings reused in all the environments
app/scripts/settings/settings.js - local development settings
app/scripts/settings/stage.js - staging settings
app/scripts/settings/prod.js - production settings


grunt test


Baker supports 2 types of builds: staging and production

grunt staging-build
grunt production-build

after successful build dist folder will contain your application

###S3 deploy

Amazon S3 is a great place to keep your web application. Refer to this excellent article for more details. We also recommend you set a policy on your static hosting bucket to keep all your static content publicly available automagically

	"Version": "2008-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
				"AWS": "*"
			"Action": "s3:GetObject",
			"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::NAME-OF-YOUR-BUCKET/*"

You can deploy both staging and production versions of your app using Baker

grunt stage
grunt deploy


Say hi


Happy baking!