
autonomous enabled workflow/perpetual agent for multi-tenant, multi-user applications

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Applied design of the MemGPT memory management strategy


Read all the README.md files in Lucy/lucy. This is becoming a full port of MemGPT to a production-able library that is backend-agnositc. We want light, modular and decoupled agent rendering using the brilliant paged memory design from MemGPT, but in a commerically viable implementation. Autogen may or may not be the multi-agent orchestrator of choice, we'll see when we get there.


We have a collection of use cases that need this. So Lucy is the abstraction where we figure this out together.

Minimum Viable Capabilities

  • OSS Models Only Must support VLLM/Ollama service. We can use Together.ai for testing initially with an eye on VLLM-OpenAI spec compatability
  • Perpetual chat with context recall if you tell a Lucy agent that "I fucking love pickles" and later ask the agent or order me a sandwich, the bot should say "extra pickles, right?"
  • Agency via Python functions a clean factory for providing agents with functions they can invoke and iterate with
  • Multi: User, Tenant, Agent reflect almost every SaaS application on Earth - orgs/teams/companies have many users. Agents can differentiate between different users, different teams, and the relationship between the two. note: not multiplexing conversations. More than one human in the same conversation requires a completely different kind of model training that we haven't seen yet.
  • Task Solving Agents can be given work to do and/or things to accomplish with the user, like getting status on a project or booking a flight.
  • grown-ass scalability can be deployed in a container, scaled horizontally, load balanced, replicated across zones etc.


since Lucy is designed to drop into an application framework with orgs, venues, and users, you need frameworks to test it in.

each is a basic instance of that framework where we can run a suite of Lucy tests in an agnostic way.