
Forked: 🎞🎀 Literally another slide making thingie.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

This repo is forked from the awesome and mighty Meownica, for detail usage please go to Original Repo.

This fork added 2 thingie:

  1. Press F to toggle a spotlight, and D to expand, G to shrink the circle.

  1. Elements within <a-slide> now have a step attribute. Every child with a step attribute is invisible by default, and ordered by its step value. Press . to show the next element, and , to hide the last shown one.


<div step="1">Show first</div>
<div step="3">Show last</div>
<div step="2">Show second</div>
<div step="2">Also the second</div>

<!-- or -->
<div step>Empty value go first</div>
<div step="3">Then numbers, after 2</div>
<div step="2">Then numbers, before 3</div>
<div step="string">String value comes the last</div>