Collaborative Playlists Using Spotify API
This is an app that I have been working on with my very little extra time at dev bootcamp, and it is an idea that I am very excited about. I hope that I will have a working product very soon. The idea that I have behind this is app is a cooperative playlist where people may add songs to a playlist that they want to be heard, and they may vote songs up or vote songs down that other people have added to the list. They will be able to do this on a mobile devise as well as a computer. Now there are apps like this that already exist, but all of them lack simplicity, and a large enough music base where people may have a wide range of music to listen too. With this app I have integrated the Spotify API and their playlist button. I hope to eventually get this app running well enough to where it is actually useful and functional.
This is where it will be hosted and you may track the progress