Much more detail available here:
This is a Turbo Pascal 3 compatible port of the C++ smallpt renderer. Source and binaries are available along with a ready-to-use archive of Bochs to run a Mode-13 version.
A month ago I saw an article entitled "Things that Turbo Pascal 3 is smaller than" and stumbled upon the smallpt renderer in the same week. Perhaps the fact that both had "small" in the title made my brain decide it was a good match... who knows?
There's little I enjoy more than going on a random coding spirit-quest in my spare time, because it's my time, I don't need to adhere to "best practices" or think about how best it would be to do something, or how neat my code is, I can type at the keyboard like a crazed chimp free of the shackles of expectations!
So I hurriedly and blindly went about converting the smallpt renderer C++ code to Pascal, with an idea of keeping it as backwardly-compatible as possible.
- Turbo Pascal 3 version that simply writes the output to a file like the original does
- Turbo Pascal 4 version that renders the results in mode 13 as it goes
- Multi-threaded tiled Lazarus version (this is the fastest version and only one I recommend running)
- RemObjects PascalScript version with a pseudo IDE-kinda thing to run it in
I use "sample count" to be the actual sample count in these ports, so if you want 25000spp, you need to enter 6250 as a value (spp / 4)