
Hackeurs Sans Frontières - hybrid live / installation openSUSE spin without patent restrictions for advanced users, supporting internationalisation, multimedia, censorship circumvention, network analysis, forensics, virtualization and system recovery out-of-the-box

Primary LanguageJavaScript

download built images at SourceForge

LXQt desktop

This is hybrid live cd/usb openSUSE Tumbleweed rolling spin aimed to be fully functional out-of-the-box yet slim desktop system for hackers of all sorts: technical, humanitarian, artistic, social and so on. It's built on "one user-friendliest method for fulfilling every need" principle.
It DOES NOT guarantee best security defaults, so users with sensitive needs are advised to direct their attention to something like TAILS, CAINE or Whonix, however it should be quite adequate as an installation basis for everyday use and comes with pre-configured data proxying via Tor & DNSCrypt.

I recommend using smart SATA boxes and usb drives with legacy (floppy / CD / virtual partition) emulation as the replacement for disks, like:
IODD / Zalman ZM-* series
The IsoStick
⊘ or just using it on any fast USB stick

It provides:

  • complete toolkit that created it
  • fresh stable kernel based on ones from Kernel:stable repo
    configured for low latency and maximum hardware support
  • fresh video stack with open OpenCL support from X11 repo with option
    to switch to bleeding edge from pontostroy (git & kernel rc's) repoes
  • LXQt slim desktop environment
  • international (Google Noto set) collection of fonts
    and universal iBus input method by default
  • LibreOffice, GIMP, Okular and fresh GoldenDict;
    CoolReader3-Qt, kchmviewer, djvulibre-djview4 and pdfcrack
  • codecs, font antialiasing and texture compression support
    without artificial restrictions
  • MPV super-player and its Xt7 GUI, Tano IPTV player, VLC Firefox plugin;
    SubtitleComposer and Aegisub subtitle editors, Trackma anime/manga tracker
  • professional sound handling with JACK
    (PA & ALSA, both with OSS emulation, run as JACK's clients)
  • Clementine audio player, Audacity audio editor/recorder;
    GStreamer with FFMPEG and JACK output by default
  • professional colour management facilities
    (consisting of colord{-kde}, xiccd, argyllCMS and dispcalGUI)
  • printer (via cups), scanner (via x/sane)
    and analogue video input (via tvtime) support
  • professional screencasting tool SimpleScreenRecorder with native JACK support
  • wide range of gamepad utilities such as AntiMicro and jstest-gtk;
    Mednafen, small yet feature-rich JACK-enabled multi-system emulator; emulator pack of OpenMSX, PPSSPP, PCSX-R, PCSX 2, Dolphin, Mupen64Plus, Yabause
  • professional virtualization with libvirt & KVM / LXC
    (featuring userland virt-manager, Docker and SPICE flowing out-of-the-box)
  • Windows® compatibility through Wine 32 & 64 with native Gallium DirectX 9;
    Steam installer/launcher is present
  • professional networking tools and rich connectivity options
  • OpenVAS/ex-Nessus and ClamAV security systems are present (inactive)
  • anti-censorship kit: Tor/Privoxy, DNSCrypt-proxy/Unbound, proxychains and VPN
    (Privoxy is also I2P-aware, all i2p-links will be proxy-chained into it;
    Unbound uses multiple DNSSEC-capable DNSCrypt instances for different resolvers)
  • LeechCraft modular system stripped for only IM and socializing
  • LinPhone for P2P HD A/V multiuser {S/Z}RTP-encrypted telephony;
    Tox network client for Tor/BitTorrent-like P2P A/V telephony (or so they say);
    Skype for compatibility with stubborn fools (use with extreme caution !)
  • fresh Mozilla Firefox browser and Thunderbird e-mail client;
    fresh PPAPI Flash abomination with excellent NPAPI shim, all JACK-ready
  • qBitTorrent, aMule, Filezilla & lftp, wget & aria2/fe and httrack for file transfer
  • mc, zsh, kmscon, android-tools, wgetpaste/pastebinit and other console tools
  • networking tools:
    • interconnecting: hostapd, usbip, miredo-client, minicom and rancid
    • looking: {arp-,ike-,ssl}scan, iptraf-ng, nethogs, upnp-inspector, mtr{-gtk}, lft
    • touching: wireshark-qt, {ze}nmap, wapiti, xprobe2, scapy & {f,h,n}ping, aircrack-ng, kismet, reaver
    • filesharing: nfs-kernel-server, pure-ftpd, samba
  • filesystem tools:
    • management: gparted, {f/g}disk, gptfdisk-fixparts, guestfs-tools, snapper, disktype
    • recovery/imaging: fsarchiver{-qt4}, guymager, xmount, ddrescue, testdisk, photorec, foremost, ext4magic
    • support for pretty much all filesystems known to man, in kernel or via FUSE; exFAT & ZFS kernel modules
    • rEFInd bootloader and U/EFI manipulation via efitools and UEFITool
  • security/forensics tools:
  • encryption tools:
    • YaST partitioner's built-in crypt{setup,config} / LUKS encryption capabilities
    • veracrypt (TrueCrypt fork), aespipe, emount/zuluCrypt, seahorse/gnome-keyring, keepassx
  • bunch of repos pre-configured (but disabled) for recent though mostly stable updates
  • useful things that I've put there but forgot to mention

It does NOT provide:

— proprietary video drivers (because they suck and are pain in the ass).
or video driver support for anything without KMS, for that matter
— whole KDE or Gnome (because of how fat the former and how ugly the later are)
— any language translation packages (for space conservation and due to lack of
ability in zypper & YaST to install them without all "recommended" garbage)
— Wayland packages (because it's too raw yet)
— accessibility features (because I have no idea how to setup them right)
but there is onboard virtual keyboard
— security hardening (because it requires strict and thorough testing
in all usage scenarios which are manifold)


the first thing you should do on freshly loaded system is to look at keepnote's HSF note
⊙ use locate to search for files fast and apropos to search for commands based on their manual's description
⊙ Firefox and Thunderbird are set up to use Tor by default, *_proxy variables are also globally set, DNS queries are encrypted and funneled to OpenDNS by default
⊙ popular Microsoft fonts are included for web & document compatibility. they may be removed in future

⊙ can be put on flash USB sticks and such from within itself by

  • simple dd bs=<your flash's write block size, like 64K> if=<image or even cdrom device that you have booted it on> of=/dev/<target_device>,
  • glamorous GUI tools like SUSE's imagewriter (included) or Ubuntu's win32diskimager
  • (unetbootin is NOT recommended due to its outdatedness and broken device selection)
  • but be wary that it will format all redundant space as ext4 for its R/W support
  • you may need to disable "Secure Boot" DRM and enable "BIOS-compatibility mode" to boot via U/EFI

⊙ DE-specific apps are included for the lack of adequate analogues

  • KDE:
    • krusader (dolphin + konqueror + mc in one package and more ? yes, please)
    • yakuake (handy console), will be replaced with finalterm once it matures
    • kate/kwrite (great simple editor)
    • okular (useful doc viewer, integrated in Firefox via kparts-plugin)
    • kchmviewer (MS chm viewer), because sometimes okular screws up
    • gwenview5 + digikam5/showfoto (highly-capable image viewers)
    • k3b (rich disk burner), because some people still are into this stuff)
  • GNOME:
    • nm-applet (this is the only NM GUI that can launch in any DE)
    • blueman (bluez5 control)
    • gparted (The F/OSS disk editor), even though it can be substituted with YaST
    • pasystray (PulseAudio control) and all its dependencies
    • easytag (The audio file tag editor)
    • seahorse (gpg GUI)
    • gcr-viewer (crypto file viewer)

⊙ Some specialty apps that were not included but you may be interested in installing manually

  • music works
    • ardour, rosegarden, qtractor, hydrogen, mixxx, rakarrack, OpenOctaveMidi, vmpk
  • video editing
    • cinelerra, LiVES, openshot, avidemux, kino
  • 3D modeling
    • blender
  • design
    • OpenCASCADE, geda-gaf, librecad, qcad, openscad, kicad, FreeCAD, QCADesigner
  • publishing
    • scribus
  • office works utilities
    • chm2pdf
    • djvu2pdf/pdf2djvu
  • painting
    • cinepaint, mtpaint
  • vector drawing
    • sk1
  • font creation
    • fontforge
  • OCR (image_of_text-to-real_text conversion)
    • tesseract-{gui} / gocr{-gui} / orcad / ocropus (OCR systems)
    • djvubind or ocrodjvu/img2djvu (DjVu-centric wrappers for OCR systems)
  • telephony
    • sflphone-client-gnome (SIP client that natively supports JACK and has many features... and glitches)
    • blink (supposedly is "the best real-time communications client using SIP protocol". ALSA-only and crash-prone)
    • ekiga (simple but ALSA-only)
    • yate-qt4 (lots of features with no GUI for them)
    • jitsi (Jack-of-all-trades and JAVA-fatass)
  • multimedia
    • SMplayer GUI for mpv & mplayer (allows extreme fine-tuning but is full of legacy code)
    • VLC (the king of media players but it's interface sucks)
    • QMPlay2 (vlc-like player with better GUI but without JACK support)


  • ∀ every build comes with its building source in '/home/hacker/Hackeurs Sans Frontieres - build sources - ${VERSION_CONFIG}_${BUILD_DATE}.tar.xz'

  • ∀ you can build your own image by:

    1. using openSUSE
    2. having "kiwi" and "kiwi-desc-isoboot" packages installed
    3. editing files, starting from 'source/*' and 'create_appliance.sh'. or not
    4. running create_appliance.sh
    5. waiting quite a bit
  • ∀ the process of development for this project is like this:

    1. future release version is set in 'config/version'
    2. desired functional changes are made
    3. package lists are sorted via config/sort.sh, gitignore is generated via data/common-userfiles_1-generate-gitignore.sh and then changes are committed
    4. image is build via create_appliance.sh
    5. image is booted on real hardware and tested, maybe also in virtual hardware
    6. bugs and insufficiencies are noted/reported/filed
    7. fixes made
    8. new image is tested and steps 6-7-8 are repeated until condition is satisfactory
    9. the image that deemed satisfactory is considered as current release, git tag -a is issued with "future", now current, version
    10. everything is repeated