
    Calculates the total width for s-channel mediated dark matter:
    q              dark matter
     \\   med.   //
     //          \\
    q              dark matter
    Gamma_min = Gamma_DM + sum_q Gamma_qq + sum_l Gamma_ll

    type: indicates whether the mediator has vector or axial-vector symmetry
    gQ: coupling of mediator to quarks
    gDM: coupling of mediator to dark matter
    gL: coupling of mediator to charged leptons (neutrino coupling fixed by gauge invariance; only implemented for V/A models)
    mMed: mass of mediator in GeV
    mDM: mass of dark matter in GeV

    Calculates the total width for t-channel mediated dark matter:
    q ============ dark matter
           || med.
    q ============ dark matter
    Mediator is different for each type of quark. 
    Simplify and assume that the mediators have all the same mass.

    type: indicates type of the mediator (tchan)
    gQ: coupling of mediator to quarks
    gDM: coupling of mediator to dark matter
    mMed: mass of mediator in GeV
    mDM: mass of dark matter in GeV