
Panela de pressão é uma ferramenta para que movimentos sociais e pessoas possam criar suas próprias campanhas de pressão popular.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Code Climate Coverage Status

Getting Started

  1. We suppose you already have Ruby on Rails and Git installed;
  2. git clone git://github.com/ourcities/panela-de-pressao.git
  3. cd panela-de-pressao
  4. bundle install
  5. Copy config/database.sample.yml to config/database.yml and set your database;
  6. rake db:create
  7. rake db:migrate
  8. touch config/initializers/01_envvars.rb
  9. Open config/initializers/01_envvars.rb with you preferred editor and set some required environment variables (change their values to yours): ENV["FB_ID"] = "fb id" ENV["FB_SECRET"] = "fb secret" ENV["AWS_ID"] = "aws id" ENV["AWS_SECRET"] = "aws secret" ENV["TWITTER_ID"] = "twitter id" ENV["TWITTER_SECRET"] = "twitter secret" ENV["BITLY_ID"] = "bit.ly id" ENV["BITLY_SECRET"] = "bit.ly secret"
  10. rails s
  11. Now try http://localhost:3000/

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