
Structured PSR-3 Logging

Primary LanguagePHP

PSR-3 Log-Context - Structured PSR-3 Logging

CI Process packagist.org


Especially for larger projects logging is essential. You do want to have all the data you need when looking in the past. Nothing is worse than having a serious issue on the production system but lacking of helpful context information. This small package makes it easy to log in a structured manner without cluttering your code.

Available classes and interface

Class Description
LogData Key=>Value combo to forbid bad values
LogContext Storage for LogData and toArray method that will be passed as 2nd argument
LogContextConvertibleInterface Make any custom class LogContext compatible.

Further link/s


Use LogContext::createFromException

This is the recommended way when dealing with Exceptions, unless they implement LogContextConvertibleInterface.


use \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\LogContext;

try {
} catch (\Exception $exception) {

Use LogContextConvertibleInterface

This is the recommend way, because it truly simplifies creating the log-context array.


class User implements \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\LogContextConvertibleInterface
    public int $id;
    public bool $activated;
    public string $name;

    public function asLogContext(): \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\LogContext
        return new \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\LogContext(
            new \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\ValueObject\LogData('user_id', (string)$this->id),
            new \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\ValueObject\LogData('user_activated', $this->activated ? 'true' : 'false'),
            new \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\ValueObject\LogData('user_name', $this->name),

$user = new User();
$user->id = 1;
$user->activated = true;
$user->name = 'John Doe';

$logger->warning('My Message', $user->asLogContext()->toArray());

Merge multiple LogContexts

With previous User-class in mind we can merge LogContext-objects.


use \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\LogContext;

try {
} catch (\Exception $exception) {

Create a LogContext from the scratch

This can be used in situations in which LogContext is not available.


$logContext = new \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\LogContext(
    new \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\ValueObject\LogData('user_uid', '1'),
    new \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\ValueObject\LogData('user_activated', 'true'),
    new \Nostadt\Psr3LogContext\ValueObject\LogData('user_name', 'John Doe'),

$logger->warning('My Message', $logContext->toArray());



If you start fresh, execute:

make init
make start

If you want to run code-quality checks, execute:

make test
make lint

If you are done working, execute:

make stop

If you want to continue working, execute:

make start

If you want to clean up the system, execute:

make clean