Distro: Arch Linux (vanilla)
Window manager: bspwm
- Double borders from Barbarossa93's dotfiles (also the starting point of my rice)
Shell: zsh
Prompt: starship, with custom DNA greeter (new basepairs each time!)
Editor: Visual Studio Code, with modified dark material theme
Browser: Firefox, heavily modified and minimal version of eduardhojbota's Moonlight theme
Wallpapers: four different ones, found here
File manager: ranger
Terminal: kitty
Bar: polybar
Launchers: modified versions of adi1090x's rofi themes (check out Adi's polybar themes too)
PDF viewer: zathura
Notifications: dunst
Music: ytmdesktop—yes, I like YouTube Music
Music visualizer: cava
Fonts: Open Sans (serif), Roboto Slab (serif), Hack Nerd Font (monospace)
gtk: slightly modified Materia dark theme
Icons: vimix-icon-theme
Cursor: vimix-cursors
Color-theme: custom theme, initially made for my notes, and probably poorly implemented. References:
Colors Contrast