A list of all the things that make iOS developers happy
- gitignore templates for xcode projects and for all other projects
- What's new in iOS: Detailed release notes and upgrade informations for developers about iOS versions.
- iOS Version distribution chart: See what percentage are using the latest and legacy iOS versions.
- iOS Dev Weekly Weekly newsletter / blog post with a dozen or so curated links on different aspects of iOS technology and development. Also job postings.
- http://raywenderlich.com
- Swift Style Guide from Ray Wenderlich: extensive, sensible style guide for swift
- jazzy: generates documentation from source code
- fastlane: the missing build tool for iOS (and macOS), with a ruby DSL. Also creates push & app certs, prov. profiles, uploads to TestFlight
- http proxy for intercepting traffic ** Charles Proxy proxy with GUI for observing, capturing and on-the-fly- changing of network traffic (from / to an app on a real device / simulator) ** mitmproxy command line proxy tool for observing, capturing and on-the-fly- changing of network traffic (from / to an app on a real device / simulator)
- http client for API testing ** Paw is a very powerfull paid http client which comes as a native mac app and supports many importers (Swagger!) ** Postman a http client for testing API calls. started out as a chrome extension.
- Google guetzli. Optimizes JPG/PNG for size and quality with butteraugli
guetzli --quality 84 in.jpg out.jpg
- Jenkins CI: Open Source continuous integration server
- bitrise.io: Continuous integration as a Service for iOS / macOS projects
- codesigning.guide a clean and simple approach on creating, maintaining and storing signing certificates and prov. profiles
Apple TestFlight. No UDIDs required. Processing of IPAs :(. Internal testing easy to set up, external testing requires beta app review (faster than normal App Review)
Fabric Beta. Requires collecting UDIDs. No IPA-processing, no beta-review.
- Applause
- Testbirds
- RxSwift & RxCocoa
- AlamoFire
- ObjectMapper for mapping json to Swift objects
- TOCropViewController view controller for cropping, resizing and rotating images in a very fancy and easy way
Ultimate Guide To iPhone Resolutions - Overview of Screen Sizes and Resolutions of iOS Devices
HexPreview Full-Screen hex color value preview