
Paper.io Hack (Mod Menu) Userscript/Extension fork

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Most advanced paper.io userscript/extension. Modifies elements in the paper.io apis.


stretch07 and not-a-java-dev
All contributions welcome.


Userscripts require a userscript manager to be installed on your computer. Most are common as browser extensions. We recommend tampermonkey.
If you're on GitHub, locate the latest version of paper2hack in the dist directory, click on it, and click 'raw' at the top.
If you're on Greasyfork, click INSTALL THIS SCRIPT to install.


You do not need any additional tools to develop paper2hack (i.e. NodeJS, WebPack, etc...)
paper2hack uses tweakpane (https://tweakpane.github.io/docs/) to create the options element at the top of your screen.


Because paper2hack is not a web extension, the ability to remove ads you have normally with adblockers is not available.
There was an attempt to create an adblocker within paper2hack, but the effort has been abandoned.

To block advertisements, use uBlock Origin

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