
University Project - Protocol design, chat application

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This project encompasses the basics of Network Programming and protocol design and is made in the context of a University project.

What is ChatFusion?

ChatFusion is a protocol, a client, and a server at the same type. The protocol itself and its specification is defined in the ChatFusion Protocol Specification (RFC).

Basically, the protocol is a simple text-based chat protocol that also allows servers to fuse to make networks of servers and share their userbase.

Requirements and build

To build this project and run both the client and server, you will need to have Java 17 (or a later version) installed on your machine.

In the next commands, I will assume you also have Gradle installed. If not, you can replace the occurrences of gradle with ./gradlew to run the commands from the project root.

To build the artifacts, run the following command from the root of the project:

gradle clean jar

This will create the runnable artifacts ChatFusion-client-{version}.jar and ChatFusion-server-{version}.jar in the executables/ directory.

You can run them as you would with any jar archive:

java -jar ChatFusion-server-{version}.jar {PORT} {SERVERNAME}

The server will listen to the specified port, and must have a unique name (5 ASCII non-zero characters)

java -jar ChatFusion-client-{version}.jar {HOSTNAME} {PORT} {FILES_DIR} {USERNAME}

A client will connect to the specified host and port, and will send and receive files in the specified directory. The user will be connected with a username (non-zero ASCII characters). If the username is already in use on this server, the connection will be refused.
