
Chord DHT implementation in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Chord DHT implementation in Python.


E-Chord is a python implementation of the Chord protocol, a peer-to-peer lookup service.


On top of the features of the base Chord protocol, the following ones have been added or updated:

  • Seed Server: The new node learns the identity of an existing E-Chord node by contacting the Seed Server.
  • Concurrent Joins: Multiple nodes joining concurrently is supported using a periodic stabilization routine.
  • Handling Massive Node Failures: Network consistency is preserved after multiple nodes fail simultaneously. The stabilization routine is responsible for keeping each node's successor up to date.
  • Data Storage: Each node can hold data in key-value pairs. Any node can be contacted to store such a pair, but the pair will be stored in a node determined by the network. As new nodes join the network, data is tranferred to them accordingly.
  • Load Balancing: Data is shared between multiple nodes, such that no one node holds a much larger amount of keys than others. In this way, the load is balanced between the nodes.
  • Data Consistency: Data inserted into the network has a very high probability not to be lost, even if multiple nodes join or leave the network concurrently.
  • Ring Split Prevention: By having each node keep a successor list of size log(n), where n is the maximum number of nodes that can join the network, it is guaranteed that, in most situations, a massive node failure will not split the ring into multiple inconsistent parts.
  • Custom Parameters: By editing the config/params.json file, various parameters regarding the network and scripts can be customized. It is required that all nodes run with the same parameters.

Simulation Scripts

All simulation scripts assume nodes are running locally, on the same machine (localhost).

  • Visualizer: Pings each node periodically, retrieving information regarding its successor, its predecessor, and how many keys that node has. Shows the information on the screen.
  • Mass Node Join: Adds multiple nodes to the network.
  • Mass Node Leave: Removes a percentage of the network's nodes.
  • Mass Data: Adds or looks up data in the network. The input file name must be specified as the first parameter. The required format is JSON. The second parameter should either be insert/i, or lookup/l. The former will add the data to the network, whereas the latter will look up the data. Both scripts will display the failure percentage of their respective requests.

Potential Improvements

  • Data Backups: If a node fails abruptly, all the data it contains will be lost. Data should be replicated across nodes to preserve consistency, even after massive node failures.


[1] Ion Stoica, Robert Morris, David Karger, M. Frans Kaashoek, and Hari Balakrishnan. 2001. Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 31, 4 (October 2001), 149–160. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/964723.383071