PocketMine Plugin for protecting areas CustomAreas is a PocketMine-MP plugin that provide players a way to protect their buildings using simple commands.
Latest release: https://poggit.pmmp.io/p/CustomAreas/
Latest development phars: https://poggit.pmmp.io/ci/luca28pet/CustomAreas/CustomAreas
Current features:
- Create private areas where other players cannot build
- Provide protection for blocks, chests, doors and trapdoors inside the area
- Whitelist for areas: an area owner can choose who can build in his zone
- Support for multi-world
- Bypass feature for OPs: they can edit other players areas (or use permission node customareas.bypass)
- Easy to use
- Configurable
- Limit area size and number
Commands: Main Command: /customareas Aliases: /ca
- /ca pos1 : set the first corner of the area
- /ca pos2 : set the second corner of the area
- /ca create : create an area with the current selection
- /ca delete : delete the area where you are standing in (OPs can delete other players areas)
- /ca whitelist add : add a player to the whitelist of the area where you are standing in (OPs can edit other players areas whitelist)
- /ca whitelist remove : remove a player to the whitelist of the area where you are standing in (OPs can edit other players areas whitelist)
- /ca whitelist list : see the list of the whitelisted players of the area where you are standing in (OPs can see other players areas whitelist)
Permission nodes:
- customareas.command : use command /area (defaut: true)
- customareas.bypass : use bypass feature to edit other players' areas (default: op)
# Max distance between the two corners of the area. Set 0 (zero) to disable
max-distance: 50
# Max number of areas that a player can have
area-limit: 2
position-conflict: "This position is inside another area"
pos1-set: "Position 1 set"
pos2-set: "Position 2 set"
sel-pos1: "Please select position 1"
sel-pos2: "Please select position 2"
different-levels: "Positions are in different levels"
max-areas: "You have too many areas"
big-area: "Your area is too big"
area-created: "Area created succesfully"
not-owner: "This is not your area"
area-deleted: "Area deleted"
stand-inside: "Stand inside your area and type this command to delete it"
insert-player: "Please specify a player"
wl-add: "Added to whitelist the player: "
stand-inside-wl: "Stand inside your area and type this command to modify the whiteList"
wl-remove: "Removed from whiteList the player: "
not-in-wl: " was not in this area whiteList"
notice: "This is {owner}'s private area"