
A PocketMine-MP plugin to spawn/manage floating texts (aka holograms) (API: 3.0.0)

Primary LanguagePHP


A PocketMine-MP plugin that spawns floating texts (aka holograms). This fork is a backport of the original plugin for PM 3.0


Once installed, use /ft add some &eyellow text &rhere to spawn a floating text.
Use /ft near to list all floating texts near you (it also specifies each floating text's ID).
Use /ft delete <id> to delete a floating text.


Currently, there's no API to add/remove floating texts (or if you wish to: Server::dispatchCommand() is always a possibility). There is however a pretty optimized floating text handling API aimed at updating floating texts by replacing wildcards.

Preferably on plugin enable, you can register a FloatingTextHandler instance by calling FloatingTextHandlerManager::register($handler).
The FloatingTextHandler consists of three methods — canHandle(FloatingText), onSpawn(FloatingText, FloatingTextEntity) and onDespawn(FloatingText, FloatingTextEntity).
If your canHandle() returns true for a specific FloatingText (FloatingText holds world, x, y, z and the floating text string), then your FloatingTextHandler will be notified via onSpawn and onDespawn methods whenever a floating text gets spawned. This is the base information required for implementation of a runtime-efficient find-and-replace-wildcard-in-floating-text.
As a utility, the plugin ships with a FloatingTextFindAndReplaceHandler and FloatingTextFindAndReplaceTickerHandler that can be used like so:

// FloatingTextFindAndReplaceHandler - Used to update static wildcards.
FloatingTextHandlerManager::register(new FloatingTextFindAndReplaceHandler(
// run /ft add &eServer Version: &l{MCPE_VERSION}
// FloatingTextFindAndReplaceTickerHandler - Used to update wildcards repetitively.
$start = time();
FloatingTextHandlerManager::register(new FloatingTextFindAndReplaceTickerHandler(
	function() use($start) : string{
		return gmdate("i:s", time() - $start);
	20 * 10 // update every 10 seconds
// run /ft add &bLast envoy was {LAST_ENVOY} ago

Performance and Resource Consumption

Once a world is loaded, FloatingText will cache all floating texts present in that world into memory, indexing them by their unique IDs. FloatingText also maintains a chunk -> [id -> entity_id] mapping to speed up floating texts lookup on chunk basis.
The plugin was optimized for fast runtime lookups by sacrificing memory (and in some cases, CPU too (yeah i know)).
While registering a FloatingTextHandler, the plugin loops through all cached floating texts and calls FloatingTextHandler::canHandle() so it can prepare a list of floating texts that require an update during runtime, making FloatingTextHandlerManager::register() O(n) n = number of cached floating texts / sum of number of floating texts in all loaded worlds.

Floating texts are registered as entities and will only spawn when the chunk they're in is loaded.

The floating texts are stored in an SQLite3 database and all calls to the database are threaded + asynchronous (except for CREATE TABLE which sleeps the main thread until the query has been executed). This means whenever a world is loaded, the floating texts may not appear until the results of the SELECT statement are returned. However, SQLite3 is fast enough to make this a near impossible case (unless you hacked the plugin and got access to the Database object and are hogging the database with mass insert/updates requests).