
the worst code I can write, so bad I gotta use all my brain parts to make it this bad.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jean Ralphio


This is a project that sets out to make an extremely bad piece of software. It will consist of several parts with my initial idea/attempt.

  1. A Ruby implementation of the version control system git
  2. A database built atop that, in Ruby as well
  3. A transpilation layer that will leveral Opal to transpile both of these to have a JavaScript implementation
  4. A JavaScript implementation of the version control system git
  5. A database built atop that, in JavaScript as well
  6. A toolchain to deploy each of these services to a different VPS
  7. A hand-rolled made-up-as-I-go consesnsus protocol to syncronize these multiple deployed database nodes

It is called Jean Ralpio because it is in fact 'the woooOOOooooOOorst'


Development Plan

I will be starting with the ruby implementation of git, then move onto the database layer. Transpilation will come after that.

I am saving the JavaScript implementation for last as an excuse to learn the latest and greatest in JS. I will for sure be using a bunch of top level await and stuff like that.