PyBERT is a serial communication link bit error rate tester simulator with a graphical user interface (GUI).
It uses the Traits/UI package of the Enthought Python Distribution (EPD), as well as the NumPy and SciPy packages.
Notice: Before using this package for any purpose, you MUST read and understand the terms put forward in the accompanying "LICENSE" file.
Tox is used for the test runner and documentation builder. By default, it runs the following environments: py36, py37, pylint, flake8 and docs. It will skip any missing python versions.
pip install tox
To run a single environment such as "docs" run: tox -e docs
PyBERT documentation exists in 2 separate forms:
For developers:
- pybert/doc/build/html/index.html (See testing on how to build the documentation)
For users:
- Quick installation instructions at
- The 'Help' tab of the PyBERT GUI
- The PyBERT FAQ at
- Sending e-mail to David Banas at
I would like to thank the following individuals, for their contributions to PyBERT:
- Mark Marlett
- Low Kian Seong
- Amanda Bukur
- David Patterson