Built with the Spring Boot backend and the Angular frontend, this project is an e-commerce app where users can register, login, change profile, view products, view a product in detail, and add products to the cart.
- AbdelRaoufkone
- abdulRehamanS
- asfaqahmed21c Care
- AXE-00
- ayush65367
- boumediane1
- daniloagostinhoEclipseWorks
- Dante2961
- Deepraj-97
- freeman-virtual-helium
- hariharanep4Nokia
- Henrymelendez
- HooHaa8384
- ibtissamfrjParis
- imjmakki@SkyLimits-iq,
- JkpanchalIndia
- manojkumarnatesanCoimbatore
- niraj-hadkarIndia
- omkaroc27OcWebtech
- ozkanDemirel
- pedroleProgrampix
- RidaMohamedFrance
- SathishSmpth
- Souguiroumaima7Hacktoad
- subashsriniwas
- sudarshanms-git
- thecodereuleCroatia
- zazaz21