
Improved by notanimposter

based on http://lua-users.org/wiki/InheritanceTutorial

Do this bit at the top:
class = require "inheritance"
Now you have a few different ways you can make a class:
  • you can call 'class' with a table containing the static members:

    local Thing = class {
    	create = function(self, v)
    		self.value = 16
            --does not need to return anything
    	doSomething = function(self)
    		return "boop "..tostring(self.class)
  • or with a function that defines the static members. In this context, you can use This to refer to the class. Note that you need ()s if you want to pass a function:

    local Thing = class(function()
    	--use 'This' to refer to the class in this context
    	function This:create()
    		self.value = 16
    	function This:doSomething()
    		return "boop "..tostring(self.class)
When you want to extend a class, you also have a few options:
  • you can use the + operator:

    local NewThing = Thing + {
  • which is really just shorthand for:

    local NewThing = Thing:extend {
  • you can also use functions instead of tables in those scenarios, but you get the idea.

To make a new instance, just do:
local nt = NewThing(args)

Don't call Thing:create(). Thing() maps to a wrapper function that calls Thing:create() for you so you don't need to return self at the end of all your create() functions.

Every class/instance has these:
  • nt.class: the class object of the instance nt
  • nt.super: the parent class object
  • nt < Thing or Thing > nt tests whether nt inherits from Thing, which is just shorthand for nt:isa(Thing)