
A youtube to reddit bot based on youtube API v3

Primary LanguagePython


A youtube to reddit bot based on youtube API v3

To get this bot working, do the following:

  1. Install Python 3.4 and download Arandabot source code

  2. Go in to the settings.json file and update the following information:

  • Which youtube channels you would like to add
  • If you would like the bot to pull all your subscribed channels
  • If you would like to the bot to loop forever or pull n times
  1. Create a client_secrets.json in the directory the bot is insalled by doing the following:
  • Go to https://console.developers.google.com/project
  • Create a project if not already
  • In project go to: APIs & auth > Credentials
  • Click "Create new Client ID"
  • Choose installed application > Other
  • Click "Download JSON"
  • Name file "client_secrets.json" and put in same directory as the bot
  1. Get Reddit client id and secrets:
  1. Install dependencies from requirements.txt, on Windows it looks like this:
  • C:\Python34\Scripts\pip3.4.exe install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run main.py in your terminal or windows command prompt (you you can copy the output) and get oauth2 webtoken
  • The console will output a Google web page you need to go to and grab the token
  • Copy and paste the token back in to console
  • The console will then open the browser and go to reddit where you will need to click "authorise app"