
Exploring micro services with spring boot

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Test License

Building a sample app with mircoservice by following Microservices with Spring boot and Spring cloud, a book by Magnus Larsson.


SandCastle has four microservices,

  • product-composite
  • product
  • recommendation
  • review

when a user posts a product composite on the /product-composite endpoint,

Api tier:

  • Open API
  • Api interfaces in the api module

Data tier:

  • Spring data
  • mapStruct
    • Enable annotation processing in intellij

Building the source

The project uses gradle as the build tool. Multi project build was set up for the ease of development.

Use the following command to build all the services

./gradlew build

Run the services

To run any service, run the following command

java -jar services/product/build/libs/product-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
java -jar services/review/build/libs/review-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
java -jar services/recommendation/build/libs/recommendation-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Start all the services

java -jar services/product-composite/build/libs/product-composite-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &
java -jar services/product/build/libs/product-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &
java -jar services/recommendation/build/libs/recommendation-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &
java -jar services/review/build/libs/review-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &

Stop the services with

kill $(jobs -p)


Product service

Recommendation service

Review service

Product-composite service

Running the tests

This project uses testcontainers. These containers have to be pulled before running the tests.

docker pull testcontainers/ryuk:0.3.1
docker pull mongo:4.4.2
docker pull mysql:5.7.32

to interact with mongo / mysql

docker-compose exec mongodb mongo ––quiet
docker-compose exec mysql mysql -uuser -p review-db
  • Spring data will not create a unique index if there is already data in the db that violates the constraint.
    • So make sure to dropDatabase() if there is problem with


Product service

./gradlew :services:product:build
cd services/product
docker build -t product .
# run
docker run --rm -p8080:8080 -e "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=docker" product

Browse the endpoint for products

Review service

./gradlew :services:review:build
cd services/review
docker build -t review .
# run
docker run --rm -p8080:8080 -e "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=docker" review

Browse the endpoint for reviews

Recommendation service

./gradlew :services:recommendation:build
cd services/recommendation
docker build -t recommendation .
# run the image
docker run --rm -p8080:8080 -e "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=docker" recommendation

Browse the endpoint for recommendations

Product composite service

Since this service depends on the other services, make sure they are running or use docker-compose to run all the services.

# build
./gradlew :services:product-composite:build
# create the docker image
cd services/product-composite
docker build -t product-composite .
# run the image
docker run --rm -p8080:8080 -e "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=docker" product-composite

Browse the endpoint for product-composite


  1. Create a product composite with the following json in swagger
  "productId": 1,
  "name": "product name C",
  "weight": 300,
  "recommendations": [
      "recommendationId": 1,
      "author": "author1",
      "rate": 1,
      "content": "content 1"
      "recommendationId": 2,
      "author": "author2",
      "rate": 2,
      "content": "content 2"
      "recommendationId": 3,
      "author": "author3",
      "rate": 3,
      "content": "content 3"
  "reviews": [
      "reviewId": 1,
      "author": "author 1",
      "subject": "subject1",
      "content": "content 1"
      "reviewId": 2,
      "author": "author 2",
      "subject": "subject2",
      "content": "content 2"
      "reviewId": 3,
      "author": "author 3",
      "subject": "subject3",
      "content": "content 3"
  1. Click here to go to the rabbitmq management portal
    • username: guest and password: guest to log in
    • go to the products.auditGroup queue and click GetMessage(s) to see the message in the queue
  2. Verify that the product aggregate can be retrieved at link
  3. Delete the product aggreggate curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/product-composite/1
  4. Verify that the link gives 404

Docker compose

./gradlew build
docker-compose build
docker images | grep sandcastle

# start the services
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f
docker-compose down

or use this one-liner

./gradlew build && docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d

Open Api info

Swagger UI


  • Write an overview of the project.
  • Add the test-em-all script.
  • Integrate docker-compose into our test script.
  • Place the configuration of springdoc-openapi in a separate Spring configuration class