
A block based editor which is powered by nb-crdt

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


codecov sponsor

A block based editor which is powered by nb-crdt that enables collaborative editing across multiple participants allowing for flexible data sharing across spreadsheets, boards, rich text, and more.

Web-based multi-platform support (primarily focusing on macOS and iOS). Support for Composition input, such as Korean and Japanese, suggestion input, and iPad Pencil scribble.



npm install


npm start


for iframe

// set "./static/app.css" to "node_modules/@notebox/nb-editor/iframe/app.css"
<iframe ref={ref} src="node_modules/@notebox/nb-editor/iframe/index.html" />

for component (react)

import {NBEditor, NBEditorWithToolbar} from "@notebox/nb-editor/main.component.tsx"
<NBEditor ctx={uiHandler} theme="black-theme" />
<NBEditorWithToolbar ctx={uiHandler} theme="black-theme" />

Checkout Points

as a component

  • main.component.tsx
  • iframe/app.css

as a iframe resource

  • iframe/index.html
  • iframe/static/app.js
  • iframe/static/app.css

Demo Screenshots