
The new Hackage server aka "Hackage 2"

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION


Build Status

This is the hackage-server code. This is what powers http://hackage.haskell.org, and many other private hackage instances.

Mac OS X users note

You'll need to do the following to get hackage-server to build:

brew install icu4c
brew link icu4c --force


cabal install -j --enable-tests

hackage-server init
hackage-server run

By default the server runs on port 8080 with the following settings:

URL:      http://localhost:8080/
username: admin
password: admin

To specify something different, see hackage-server init --help for details.

The server can be stopped by using Control-C.

This will save the current state and shutdown cleanly. Running again will resume with the same state.


To reset everything, kill the server and delete the server state:

rm -rf state/

Note that the datafiles/ and state/ directories differ: datafiles is for static html, templates and other files. The state directory holds the database (using acid-state and a separate blob store).

Creating users & uploading packages

Currently there is no restriction on registering, but only an admin user can grant privileges to registered users e.g. by adding them to other groups. In particular there are groups:

  • admins http://localhost:8080/users/admins/ -- administrators can do things with user accounts like disabling, deleting, changing other groups etc.
  • trustees http://localhost:8080/packages/trustees/ -- trustees can do janitorial work on all packages
  • mirrors http://localhost:8080/packages/mirrorers/ -- for special mirroring clients that are trusted to upload packages
  • per-package maintainer groups http://localhost:8080/package/foo/maintainers -- users allowed to upload packages
  • uploaders http://localhost:8080/packages/uploaders/ -- for uploading new packages


There is a program included in the hackage-server package called hackage-mirror. It's intended to enable syncing all the packages from one server to another, e.g. getting all the packages from the old hackage and uploading them to a local instance of a hackage-server.

To try it out:

  1. Add a user to the mirrorers group via http://localhost:8080/packages/mirrorers/
  2. Create a config file that contains the local and remote server. Assuming you are cloning the packages on http://hackage.haskell.org locally, you could create a config file as follows:
echo -e "http://hackage.haskell.org\nhttp://admin:admin@localhost:8080/" > servers.cfg
  1. Run the client, pointing to the config file:
hackage-mirror servers.cfg

This will do a one-time sync, and will bail out at the first sign of trouble. You can also do more robust and continuous mirroring. Use the flag --continuous. It will sync every 30 minutes (configurable with --interval). In this mode it carries on even when some packages cannot be mirrored for some reason and remembers them so it doesn't try them again and again. You can force it to try again by deleting the state files it mentions.