
pull dependent files for automaker

Primary LanguageC

Jay Sullivan
Public Domain

autoimport is meant to complement automaker, for a quick development process for C projects. 
autoimport will look for an automaker header in your source code, and pull all dependent files from a specified directory (called the autoimport repository).

autoimport looks at all selected files, given as commandline arguments.  Generally, for each file, autoimport looks for a comment at the top of the file, with a list of lines of the form "%use X;" To autoimport, "%use X;" means "import the file X.c from an autoimport repository.

Sample autoimport C file header, "sample.c" (excluding the indentation):

	%use apple;
	%use banana;
	%use cupcake;
	%use donut;

Assuming the above header is at the top of "sample.c"; running the command:

	$ autoimport /usr/local/autoimport sample.c

would import apple.c, banana.c, cupcake.c, and donut.c, and any of their dependencies--recursively--from /usr/local/autoimport.  If all these files are found, they are copied into the current directory.  automaker should then work:

	$ automaker sample.c > Makefile

In addition to "%use" statements, if autoimport sees any lines of the format:

	#include "elephant.h"

then autoimport will import the header file from /usr/local/autoimport into the current directory.