
We have a component MyComponent implemented in both react and vue MyComponent renders:

  • Normal h1
  • Counter (using setInterval)
  • And a list of 1000 random numbers

We're benchmarking three scenarios:

  1. Rendering React root, with N number of MyComponent (implemented in React) instances Source
  2. Rendering React root, with N number of MyComponent (implemented in Vue) instances, using vuera Source
  3. Rendering React root, with N number of MyComponent (implemented in Vue) instances. React just renders the root divs, and then in useEffect hook they mount using Vue#$mount Source


To run the audits:

yarn install
yarn start

# then in the different terminal:
# requires chrome and might take about 5 minutes
RUNS_COUNT=5 yarn audit

results will be displayed in terminal, more in depth audits are in auditor/audits directory


Average result of 10 runs (lower is better):

10 runs