
Bash / Shell commands

cd {Directory}

to move to a directory. If the directory is "behind" u can use .. If u didnt specify a directory, u are going to move to home.


to list the files and directorys in a directory

cat {file}

to read the content of a file

cp {old-file} {new-file}

to copy a file

mv {file} {another/place/file2}

to move and/or rename a file

Git Commands

git status

to see the status of the local repo compared to the prod repo

git add {file}

to add a file or files to the next commit

git commit -m {title} -m {description}

to add a commentary and/or description to the commit

git push

to push a repo

git pull

to pull a repo

git clone {linktotherepo}

to clone a repo

git branch {branchname}

to create a branch

git checkout {branchname}

to work in another branch

git checkout -b {branchname}

to create a branch an work in that branch

Jekyll Commands

jekyll serve (On the repo directory)

to start the jekyll server (Default: