React Actions Lab


In this lab, you'll react to user input in action and pass components as context for actions.

React Spreadsheet

In this lesson we are going to write a simple spreadsheet application. Our goal isn't feature-parity with Microsoft Excel, but it's definitely going to be a lot fun and there are going to be lots of actions.

This is what we're going to build in this lab:


Looks complicated? — Don't worry! All our actions are already there, we just need to implement them!

At the end of this lab, our spreadsheet application is going to have the following functionality:

  • Users will be able to select cells, the currently selected cell is shown in the bottom left hand corner (5 — 1 in the screenshot).
  • The table is dynamic: We can add and remove columns from the able, but there will always be a minimum of one cell.
  • For obvious reasons, our users are going to be able to select a cell and fill it with content.


Our app consists of the following components:

├── Cell.js
├── Row.js
├── Spreadsheet.js
└── Table.js

<Cell />

Each cell represents an individual value in the spreadsheet app / table (e.g. "San Francisco" or "Weather").

<Row />

A single horizontal row that has one or more <Cell />s within it.

<Spreadsheet />

The main entry point of our application. A spreadsheet component contains a single <Table />, binds all actions and encapsulates the application state.

<Table />

A table contains one or more <Row /> components.


Our actions can be found in actions/index.js. Each action will be bound in the <Spreadsheet /> component.


bind() Partial function application JavaScript

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