Remember what you forgot.
- Memory consumption is complicated to understand, especially in the context of the way in which people just count bytes.
- Tauri is often compared with Electron
- Tauri design strategies are never compared with themselves
- Its hard to know what the real memory comparisons are.
Build the same app three times.
- App 1. Electron doing compute in JS
- App 2. Tauri doing compute in JS
- App 3. Tauri doing compute in Rust
- JS source for compute
- Rust source for compute
- Electron app
- Tauri-JS-Compute
- Tauri-Rust-Compute
- Benchmarking suite
Lets compute color difference in an image, moving from pixel to pixel, and doing the whole image.
To do this, lets use these two approaches:
- Place an image in the canvas in JS
- Get the width & height
- Choose two pixels next to each other, offset by 2
- Get their respective HSL values
- %compute% the distance
- Goto 2