Song Name Configs

All song name configs used on Zeddy's Zombie Escape server. These song name configs are only compatible with Map Music Control Interface (v4.2.3). If you wish to convert to GFL's song name format, you can use this tool written by Snowy.

How to Contribute

To contribute, you can either:

  1. Join our Discord server and head to the forum channel dedicated to submitting song names
  2. Message me directly on discord (not koen#4977) with your files
  3. Make a GitHub pull request on this repository

Config Guidelines

Make sure to follow the song name config format:

// Comments are allowed
<full path to song name>.<extension>||<song name>
bestmap/songs/extreme/ab_cd_efgh.mp3||Some Shitty Artist - Some Shitty Song

Importan guidelines to follow when making song name configs:

  • Always exclude the first sound/ folder and just follow the directory after it
  • Use / when there are subfolders (back slash can cause issues)
  • Make sure to include the file extension (.mp3 or .wav)
  • Follow <Artist> - <Song Title> format
  • You can use // to add comments to configs
  • Do not leave spaces before and after the ||
  • Do not add extra song details (eg. [Official Audio]), just put the name.
  • Song names in other languages are fine, but try to keep english names if there is one
  • For files that contain multiple songs, please follow this format: Artist - Title 1, Artist 2 - Title 2, Artist 3 - Title 3 (use a comma to separate them)
  • Try to upload song configs for the latest maps
  • Custom RTV stage music should also be added (these you cannot find the location without either the stripper or looking into your songs folder)