
Primary LanguageSwift

YnTasks Design

YnTasks is an implementation of a simple TODO list application. The application consists of a backend server, a PostgreSQL database and various clients.

High Level Architecture

@startuml YnTasks Components
skinparam monochrome true
title <b>Application Components
frame Clients {
component "macOS\nClient"
component "iOS\nClient"
component "Web\nClient"
cloud Azure {
component "YnTasks App"
database YnTasks [
<b>YnTasks DB
- lists table
- tasks table
@startuml Sequence
skinparam monochrome true
title <b>Client/Backend Interaction
Client -> App: get api/lists
App -> "YnTasks DB": Query DB
"YnTasks DB" ->> App: [ListModel]
App ->> Client: [ListModel JSON]


The server is written using the Vapor framework and uses PostgreSQL for its database.


The application is written using Vapor 4, connecting to a PostgreSQL database.


A list is a way to group a set of tasks together.

  • id
  • name
  • tasks


A task is a single thing to be done. Tasks can belong to a single list.

  • id
  • title
  • notes
  • due-date
  • priority

List Routes

  • get api/lists: Get all lists and their tasks
  • get api/list/listID: Get the tasks for listID
  • post api/lists: Create a new list

Task Routes

  • get api/tasks
  • get task/taskID
  • post api/task
  • delete api/task/taskID


A PostgreSQL database, named YnTasks is used to store all of the data for the application.related to and contains two tables, lists and tasks.


  • lists

    • name
    • [tasks]
  • tasks

    • title
    • priority
    • notes
    • due date


The server is designed to be deployed as a Docker container.