
A simple calculator written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

A simple calculator written in Rust.

This is a fist time I learn about parser and Rust, so I decide to write a simple calculator using the Recursive Descent algorithm with the following grammar:

E --> T {( "+" | "-" ) T}
T --> F {( "*" | "/" ) F}
F --> P ["^" F]
P --> v | "(" E ")" | "-" T | Function "(" {E[,]} ")"

This grammar is base on this awesome guide. I also extends it to support function.


cargo run "1+2*sqrt(4)"


  • Support the following operators: +,-,*,/,^.
  • Built in functions:
    • sin
    • cos
    • tan
    • sqrt
    • abs
    • max: max(arg1,arg2,...)
    • min: min(arg1,arg2,...)
  • Built in constants:
    • PI
    • e


  • Support for variables.
  • Better error handling.