
A Python implementation of the Diceware password-generating algorithm.

Primary LanguagePython


My Fork is slightly modified to make calling from the command line easier.

Noticeable differences:
  • It only prints the final diceware password to stdout
  • The diceware words are seperated by periods

This is a Python implementation of the Diceware pasword-generating algorithm. It uses uses /dev/urandom or equivalent using calls within Python's random module.

How to use

  1. You may need to set some permissions first.

     $ chmod u+x diceware
  2. Run the program:

     $ ./diceware -w n

    where n is the number of words you want in your passphrase. The passphrase is printed to the terminal. The -w flag is mandatory, but you may also add -s to add a few random numbers and a random special character to the end of the passphrase in order to satisfy password complexity requirements.


I'm not an expert in security or cryptography. If you want this to be more secure, use physical dice (or some other offline method of random number generation) to generate your passphrase the old-skool [sic] way.