
GUI tool for unlocking bootloader and bypassing authorization on Mediatek devices (Not maintained anymore)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GUI tool for unlocking bootloader and bypassing authorization on Mediatek devices
Based on mtkclient - https://github.com/bkerler/mtkclient

Note: This program was made for Windows 10 and 11 and might not run properly on older versions and other OSes.

Creating a distributable archive for Windows

  1. Download Python 3.9 from https://python.org/downloads
  2. Install it to mtkclient-gui/runtime folder
  3. Open PowerShell
  4. .\python -m ensurepip
  5. .\python -m pip install -r ..\requirements.txt
  6. .\python -m pip install -r https://github.com/bkerler/mtkclient/raw/main/requirements.txt
  7. Package runtime, mtkclient-gui.py and start.bat in a ZIP archive

Bootloader lock/unlock

This is the list of devices that work/doesnt work properly with this feature

Works with

Redmi Note 9
Redmi 9
Redmi 9A
Redmi 9C
Redmi Note 8 Pro
Redmi Note 9T
Redmi Note 10S

Doesnt work with

Redmi 6A
Redmi 6

If your device isnt listed here, that doesnt mean it doesnt work, you should take a backup of your devinfo, proinfo and seccfg partitions and try unlocking your bootloader, you can report your success/failure with unlocking the bootloader to this repo.