
A webservice that provides endpoints to manage ML-model deployments via BentoML in tmux-sessions or Docker containers

Primary LanguagePython

bentoml-deployment-coordinator icon

A service to remotely operationalize and manage models from a BentoML Repo in Docker Containers or tmux Sessions

Addressed IssuesTarget GroupSetupToDos

Addressed Issues

This repo coordinates the deployment of ML-Models via BentoML adding the following aspects:

  • Start the deployment with custom parameters
  • Check if the deployment was successful
  • Automatically retire old versions of the same model
  • Rollback if deployment was unsuccessful
  • Adding the service to Prometheus
  • Adding Airflow DAGs for Batch Prediction

Target Group

This repo is for engineers/data scientists who encountered the same problems when using BentoML in an end-to-end-workflow.



  • Make sure either Docker is installed and user has Docker rights or tmux is installed
  • Airflow and Prometheus are optional
  • Create conda env from environment.yml


gunicorn app.main:app -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -t 320 -b


  • Logic to check if tmux/docker is installed