
Feature rich discord.py self-message deleter.

Primary LanguagePython

Fetus Deletus v2

Fetus Deletus is a Discord.py self-message deleter.
Version 2 has been completely recoded from scratch in Python 3.8

GitHub release GitHub All Releases


  • Cross-platform support for Windows and Linux
  • Has features that allow you to Delete all sent messages Groups, Servers, or a DM.
  • Supports numerical variables (i.e: .d 20 deletes 20 most recent messages)
  • Has an ignore list for both Servers and DM's


Edit settings.json

"token":"Token_Here",               //put your discord authorization token here(see instructions on how to obtain down below)
"command_prefix":".",               //this is the command prefix, the character before each command that will be used.
"del_command":"d",                  //this command deletes all or a custom numerical variable(i.e. .d 2) sent messages in current channel.
"del_all_dms_command":"dd",         //this command deletes all sent dm messages for all users.
"del_all_servers_command":"ds",     //this command deletes all sent server messages for all servers.
"del_all_command":"da",             //this command deletes all sent dm and server messages for all users and all servers.
"ignore_add_command":"ia",          //type this command in the channel of the dm/guild you would like to ignore the channel.
"ignore_add_server_command":"ias",  //type this command in any channel in the guild you would like to ignore the guild.
"ignore_del_command":"id"           //type this command in the channel of the dm/guild you would like to unignore.

How to obtain your token

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+I (⌘⌥I on Mac) on Discord to show developer tools
2. Navigate to the Application tab
3. Select Local Storage > https://discordapp.com on the left
4. Press Ctrl+R (⌘R) to reload
5. Find token at the bottom and copy the value


This is a self-bot which is against Discord ToS. Use it at your own risk.