
Discord Nitro sniper and Giveaway joiner in Go (Faster than Python)

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Discord Nitro sniper and Giveaway joiner in Go.

It also sends a DM to giveaway host when won.

You can now enable or no Giveaway joiner and setup a cooldown of x hours each x nitros applied.



Edit settings.json

  "token": "", // Your token here
  "nitro_max": 2, // Maxi Nitro before cooldown
  "cooldown": 24, // in Hour
  "giveaway_sniper": true // Enable or not giveaway joiner

 go mod download
 go build

How to obtain your token



This can get your account banned if you run multiple instance at the same time and/or claim too much Nitros in a too short amount of time. Use it at your own risks.