swift-mysql is a MySQL client implementation for Swift 3, it wraps the libmysql library and provides many convenience functions such as connection pooling and result sets as native types.
$ swiftenv install DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-04-25-a
$ swiftenv rehash
$ brew install mysql // for the client, needed to build the mysql module
$ make test
$ docker run -i -t -v $(pwd):/src --name swiftmysql -w /src ibmcom/kitura-ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
$ apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
$ make test
Set the connection provider for the connection pool, this closure should return a new instance as internally the connection pool manages the connections.
MySQLConnectionPool.setConnectionProvider() {
return MySQL.MySQLConnection()
To get a connection from the pool call get connection with the parameters for your connection, at present pooling is on the todo list and this call will return a new connection and attempt to connect to the database with the given details. When a connection fails a MySQLError will be thrown.
do {
connection = try MySQLConnectionPool.getConnection("", user: "root", password: "my-secret-pw", database: "mydatabase")!
// always release the connection back to the pool once you have finished with it,
// not releasing connections back to the pool will cause a deadlock when all connections are in use.
defer {
} catch {
print("Unable to create connection")
As an alternative approach to manually calling release connection you can use the getConnection method which takes a closure. Once the code inside the closure has executed then the connection is automatically released back to the pool.
do {
try MySQLConnectionPool.getConnection("", user: "root", password: "my-secret-pw", port: 3306, database: "test") {
(connection: MySQLConnectionProtocol) in
let client = MySQLClient(connection: connection)
let result = client.execute("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE")
} catch {
print("Unable to create connection")
To create a new client pass the reference to the connection obtained from the pool, at present you need to call connection.close once done with the connection, this will be managed automatically in a later releases.
let client = MySQLClient(connection: connection)
To execute a query
var result = client.execute("SELECT * FROM Cars")
// result.1 contains an error, when present the query has failed.
if result.1 != nil {
print("Error executing query")
} else {
// if MySQLResult is nil then no rows have been returned from the query.
if let result = ret.0 {
var r = result.nextResult() // get the first result from the set
if r != nil {
repeat {
for value in r! {
print(value) // print the returned dictionary ("Name", "Audi"), ("Price", "52642"), ("Id", "1")
r = result.nextResult() // get the next result in the set, returns nil when no more records are available.
} while(r != nil)
} else {
print("No results")
When executing queries you can use the MySQLQueryBuilder class to generate a safe query for you. This will ensure that all parameters are escaped to avoid SQL injection attacks.
var queryBuilder = MySQLQueryBuilder()
.select(["Id", "Name"], table: "MyTable")
var result = client.execute(queryBuilder)
var queryBuilder = MySQLQueryBuilder()
.select(["Id", "Name"], table: "MyTable")
.wheres("WHERE Id=?", 2)
var result = client.execute(queryBuilder)
Please see the example program in /Sources/Example for further usage.
docker run --rm -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -p 3306:3306 mysql:latest
Complete implementation of the connection pool.Complete implementation for the MySQLField to give parity to C library.- Implement type casting for MySQLRow to match field type. - Complete for numbers and strings,
- Implement binary streaming for blob types.