Accessible routes in the web application

/api/feed/{} - Returns up to top 100 Recent Tweets for - Selected user

/timeline/{user.username} - Redirects to "index.jsp", a wall of a give users Tweets. If logged in, One can follow them on that timeline page.

/login.jsp - Login with user password (Mock LDAP stored in local MYSQL Database) - Can switch sessions

/feed.jsp - If Logged In, will show Home Page, - which has 100 most Recent - Tweets by those logged in user are following.


In designing a Twitter-like internal service, the emphasis was on Scalability & Speed:

Scalability - With 10K users, and Intuit still growing quickly, more resources and services can be expected to exist - A decoupled back-end and flexibly designed REST services would allow for this - Front-End Components are modularized and independent - Back-End Database Access functions need to be decoupled

Speed - Home Feed requires the largest amount of calculations, and assumptions needed to be made on what users wanted to see. Assumption #1: Users want to be notified of the latest Tweets from who they follow Assumption #2: Users want variety in their home Feed, so tweets from different users

- Decision was made to trade memory for speed, with 10K
  users worth of data, and tweets store 144 characters,
  so enough space for trade-off.  

- Each User is subscribed to followers, and receive push
   "Tweets" to their Redis
  instances, which store them in queue fashion

- Representation of data under the hood is linkedlist, which
  means we can optionally keep X amount of tweets per home
  feed to save space.  Twitter stores up to 800 tweets for
      home feed, Intuit can opt to store less to save memory.

- Overall, this allows for a fast READ operation,
  for a better user experience and less complexity and logic,
  which also points towards scalability as
  services become more complex.


I. Persistent Data Storage was in MYSQL, In-Memory Cache with local Redis database.

II. Future Improvements:

  • Improve Home Feed Algorithm i. Have SQL Back-up of home feed ii. Store Tweets in Redis Cache as JSON, including all necessary metadata iii. Add Case to delete all tweets related to an unfollowed user when an Unfollow action occurs


  • Other steps:

    • Load imbalance and direct requests by user metadata(location)
    • Storing Data in the cloud (Hadoop)
  • Create more REST resources

  • Decouple database-access and back-end logic to allow front-end to consume REST APIs

  • Handle Exceptions

  • Log Data

  • Use Spring Framework

@Signed: JesseRen 2018