

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Known Vulnerabilities


Hi and welcome to my_website!

I spent way too much time learning JS and Node.js just to forget it so I built this website to retain this knowledge! All of this is made from scratch using the native Node.JS's http, path, and fs libraries. None of this was built using a known frame work. I built my site this way to better understand how Node.JS ticks. Because this is all from scratch I would like to stress that this is purely “experimental” and not to be used for production applications. It has not been thrown threw the ringer like many other web application frameworks so it’s safe to assume there’s unknown vulns I did not catch.

This application proxy’s a http web server on into a Nginx web server. Nginx handles all the HTTPS traffic and all the security certificate that are incorporated with that task. Below are the start up commands for both the Dev and Production environments.

Dev Environment

cp .env-example .env
npm install
nodemon index
firefox http://localhost:5000

Live Environment

cp .env-example .env
npm install
pm2 start index.js    // Cold Start
pm2 restart all // After Update

Directory Tree

 ├── apps/             // Node.JS Backend
 │    ├── krad.js      // Cursed Recursive DIR walk
 │    ├── logger.js    // Logging
 │    ├── login.js     // TODO
 │    ├── pageGen.js   // Page Builder
 │    ├── webHook.js   // Webhook Handler for GitHub events
 │    ├── route.js     // Web Routes
 │    └── type.js      // File Content Type
 ├── log/              // Log for application
 ├── node_modules/     // Libs for application
 ├── public/           // Public facing content
 │    ├── css/
 │    │   ├── 404.css
 │    │   └── pike_style.css
 │    │ 
 │    ├── img/
 │    ├── files/
 │    ├── audio/
 │    ├── js/          // Front end JS
 │    │   ├── 404.js
 │    │   ├── math.js
 │    │   └── logic.js 
 │    │
 │    ├── krad/        // Shhhh, secret hacker stash  ;)
 │    ├── pages/       // Web pages for site
 │    │   ├── parts/   // Header, Footer, Parts that repeat 
 │    │   ├── 404.html
 │    │   ├── about.html
 │    │   ├── contact.html
 │    │   ├── login.html
 │    │   ├── krad.html
 │    │   └── notes.html
 │    │
 │    ├── robots.txt
 │    └── index.html   // Index 
 ├── .env-example      // Example .env File 
 ├── index.js          // Node.JS Main 
 └── README.md