
Ansible role to create user for formation purpose

Ansible Role User Formation

Role For create users on Linux Server, this role is only use for formation pupose, do not use it in production environnement


  • Ansible user module

Creating users

Add a users variable containing the list of users to add. A good place to put this is in group_vars/all or group_vars/groupname if you only want the users to be on certain machines.

The following attributes are required for each user:

  • username - The user's username.
  • name - The full name of the user (gecos field).
  • home - The home directory of the user to create (optional, defaults to /home/username).
  • uid - The numeric user id for the user (optional). This is required for uid consistency across systems.
  • gid - The numeric group id for the group (optional). Otherwise, the uid will be used.
  • password - If a hash is provided then that will be used, but otherwise the account will be locked.
  • update_password - This can be either 'always' or 'on_create'
    • 'always' will update passwords if they differ. (default)
    • 'on_create' will only set the password for newly created users.
  • group - Optional primary group override.
  • groups - A list of supplementary groups for the user.
  • append - If yes, will only add groups, not set them to just the list in groups (optional).
  • profile - A string block for setting custom shell profiles.
  • ssh_key - This should be a list of SSH keys for the user (optional). Each SSH key should be included directly and should have no newlines.
  • generate_ssh_key - Whether to generate a SSH key for the user (optional, defaults to no).

In addition, the following items are optional for each user:

  • shell - The user's shell. This defaults to /bin/bash. The default is configurable using the users_default_shell variable if you want to give all users the same shell, but it is different than /bin/bash.


      - username: foo
        name: Foo Barrington
        groups: ['wheel','systemd-journal']
        uid: 1001
        home: /local/home/foo
        profile: |
          alias ll='ls -lah'
          - "ssh-rsa AAAAA.... foo@machine"
          - "ssh-rsa AAAAB.... foo2@machine"
      - name: developers
        gid: 10000
      - username: bar
        name: Bar User
        uid: 1002



Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

    - hosts: servers
         - { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }



Author Information

christophepiv@gmail.com trololo.com