- Users can create private chat rooms for one-on-one conversations.
- Private chat rooms are only accessible to invited users.
- The app includes a global chat room where all users can participate.
- The app stores private chat room history securely for users to access later.
- Users have the option to log in anonymously, ensuring privacy and security.
- The app includes pages for user login and registration.
- The user interface of the app is responsive, ensuring optimal viewing and interaction experience across different devices and screen sizes.
- The app utilizes Socket.io to enable real-time communication between users.
- Socket connections are managed efficiently to save space and resources.
- The app automatically selects an image based on the room name, adding visual appeal and personalization to chat rooms.
- Logged-in users can join existing chat rooms or create new ones.
- Users can view a list of rooms they have joined or created.
- Username: notpritam
- Password: 123
.env details for frontend directory
.env.local details for backend directory
cd backend
npm i
npm start
cd ../frontend
npm i
npm run dev