
ObjectPool is a Module for a Roblox Development, for a object cloning without lags.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

ObjectPool Module


The ObjectPool module provides a mechanism for efficiently managing objects without causing FPS drops. It allows objects to be reused rather than recreated, optimizing performance and resource usage.


  1. Initialization:

    • Create an instance of ObjectPool using ObjectPool.new() with specified object template, creation, and reset functions.
    • The create function should create new objects based on the specified template.
    • The reset function should reset the object's state to be ready for reuse.
  2. Object Retrieval:

    • Retrieve objects from the pool using :GetObject() method.
    • New objects are created if the pool is empty, up to the maximum pool size limit.
  3. Object Return:

    • Return objects to the pool after use with :ReturnObject(obj).
    • Objects are reset and made available for reuse.


local ObjectPool = require(script.ObjectPool)

-- Define object creation and reset functions
local function createObject(template: Model)
    local newObj = template:Clone()
    return newObj

local function resetObject(obj)
    obj.Position = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
    obj.Parent = nil

local objectTemplate = Instance.new("Part")
local minSize, maxSize = 10, 50
local pool = ObjectPool.new(objectTemplate, createObject, resetObject, minSize, maxSize)

-- Get an object from the pool and then return it
local obj1 = pool:GetObject()

local obj2 = pool:GetObject()
  • More information, about functions you can read in module.


-- Programmed by notqaltx (@qaltx)