
A set of scripts to run a Minecraft server under systemd


systemd-minecraft runs Minecraft servers under systemd, allowing for easy, automatic administration of servers in the modern Linux environment.


  • A Linux machine running systemd as the init system (which is most popular Linux distros nowadays)
  • mcrcon to allow communication with the server through the built-in RCON interface enabled in server.properties (this must be on the PATH)


Installation of Units

  1. Place the unit files in the proper folder for unit files (e.g. /etc/systemd/system)
  2. Create a folder for your servers at /opt/minecraft
  3. Create a new system user (i.e. one with no login shell) minecraft with a home directory of /opt/minecraft

Installing a new server

  1. Create a new folder in /opt/minecraft (we will call this <your-server> - but call yours something fun!)
  2. Install your new Minecraft server in the folder
  3. Create a script (or sym-link to an existing script) called run.sh to run the server and make it executeable (chmod +x run.sh)
  4. Run the server (./run.sh) to complete the Minecraft EULA, create all associated files, and validate server functionality.
  5. Open the file server.properties and make the following changes:
  • Change enable-rcon to true (enable-rcon=true)
  • Set rcon.password to something unique - don't use any shell reserved characters!
  1. Create a new file called server.conf. In this file:
  • Add RCON_PASSWORD=<your password>
  • Add SHUTDOWN_DELAY=<some value> (I recommend 30) for a delay between the server shutdown warning broadcast to players and the actual shutdown
  1. Change the file permissions for the server.conf file to read-only for the user only (chmod 400 server.conf)
  2. Ensure that the minecraft user and group own the everything in the folder (chown -R minecraft:minecraft .)

You are now ready to run the server with systemd.

Optional Step: Create a backup.sh script to backup the server (this will be run by the backup service later.) For now, I'm leaving this one as an exercise for the user.

Running the server

Basic Operation

(All of this is done with proper permissions for system-wide systemd administration (i.e. as root.)

  • To start up the server: systemctl start minecraft@<your-server>
  • To enable automatic startup on boot: systemctl enable minecraft@<your-server>
  • To disable automatic startup on boot: systemctl disable minecraft@<your-server>
  • To stop the server: systemctl stop minecraft@<your-server>


  • This is still a heavily WIP side-project
  • When using any of the auto timers, please only run one server at a time with them (have not tried two, it may lead to interesting behavior)


  • Make services run entirely under user mode instead of root, which allows us to...
    • Make a bunch of things tune-able through the server.conf file
    • Implement auto-restart functionality
  • Implement stdin/stdout to the console using systemd sockets, thus removing the need for mcrcon
  • Implement auto-installation (likely with make)