
A repository containing an Android application for creating, managing, and organizing notes, utilizing a backend server for authentication and data storage.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


MemoEase is an Android application for creating, managing, and organizing notes. It utilizes the NotesAPI Express.js server for user authentication and saving notes in the database.


  • User Authentication: Users can sign up and sign in to access their notes securely.
  • Note Management: Create, read, update, and delete notes.
  • Real-Time Sync: Sync notes with the server when the internet connection is available.
  • Dark Mode: Enjoy a comfortable reading experience in low-light environments.



  • Android Studio
  • NotesAPI Express.js server running locally or hosted online


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/notrealmaurya/MemoEase-using-NotesAPI.git
  2. Open the project in Android Studio.

  3. Configure the NotesAPI URL:

    • Open the local.properties file.
    • Set the BASE_URL variable to the URL of your NotesAPI server.
  4. Build and run the project on your Android device or emulator.


  1. Sign Up: Register a new account using your email and password.
  2. Sign In: Log in to your account with your credentials.
  3. Create a Note: Tap on the "+" button to create a new note. Fill in the title and content, then tap the save button.
  4. View Notes: Access your existing notes from the home screen. Tap on a note to view its details.
  5. Edit or Delete Notes: Long-press on a note to reveal options for editing or deleting it.
  6. Search Notes: Use the search bar to find specific notes by title or content.
  7. Dark Mode: Toggle dark mode for a more comfortable reading experience in low-light conditions.
  8. Customization: Customize the app settings according to your preferences.



Contributions to MemoEase are welcome! If you encounter any bugs, have suggestions for improvements, or want to contribute new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.